Tuesday 16 January 2024

API Testing and Architectures for QA/SDET Role in MAANG & Product Companies


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🍀API Testing and Architectures🍀

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication between different software components. API Testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the functionality, reliability, and security of these interfaces.

API Testing involves evaluating various aspects of an API, including its functionality, performance, security, and reliability. Testing APIs is essential as they act as bridges that allow different software systems to exchange data and functionality. A well-tested API ensures that applications can interact effectively, preventing potential issues such as data inconsistencies, security vulnerabilities, or service disruptions.

In this post we will discuss about two ways software is built — Microservices and Monoliths — and why it matters for testing APIs.

⛔️Microservices Architecture

Picture a Lego set! Microservices are like individual Lego pieces — small, independent parts. They work together by talking through APIs. This helps make big, complex projects more flexible and easy to handle.

Microservices architecture is an approach to software development where a complex application is divided into a set of small, independent services that communicate with each other through well-defined APIs. Each microservice is designed to perform a specific business function and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This decentralized structure allows for increased agility, as different teams can work on separate microservices concurrently, and failures in one service don’t necessarily affect the entire system. Microservices promote scalability, flexibility, and easier maintenance but require a robust communication mechanism between services.

In API Testing:

👉Testing Blocks:

We can test each Lego block separately. It’s like checking each part of your project one by one.

👉Fast Testing:

Because they talk to each other, we can test them at the same time, making testing quicker.

Interview Q&A to Crack Product Companies QA/SDET with Sidharth Shukla
I’m excited to introduce a valuable package containing Real-Time Interview Questions and Answers curated by an experienced Amazon SDET. 📚
✅ This comprehensive set of interview Q&A has been meticulously crafted by gathering insights from successful interview experiences at renowned companies like Google, Barclays, TCS, Infosys, Virtusa, Phonepe, Ola, Flipkart, and, of course, MAANG. It has topic covered: Selenium, API, Rest Assiredm Java, Coding, Linux, Jenkins,Docker, GIT,Maven, QA Manager Interview Q&A, Test AUtomation Framework Interview Q&A.

⛔️Monolith Architecture:

Now, imagine your Lego set as one big piece. 

🏰 Monoliths are like that — everything in one place. It’s simple but needs extra care.

Monolith architecture, in contrast to microservices, represents a traditional approach where an entire application is built as a single, tightly integrated unit. In a monolith, all components, functionalities, and modules are interconnected and share the same codebase and database. While monoliths are simpler to develop and deploy initially, they can become challenging to scale and maintain as the application grows. Changes or updates to one part of the system often require redeploying the entire application. Monoliths are known for their simplicity, but they may face limitations in terms of scalability and agility compared to more modular microservices architectures.

In API Testing:

👉Checking All Parts:

We need to test everything together to make sure our big Lego creation works perfectly.

👉Understanding Connections:

Testing helps us know how all the pieces connect and work as a team.

👉Checking the Whole Castle:

We test to make sure our entire castle (or project) does what it’s supposed to do.

⛔️Which one to choose?

Generally speaking, the monolithic architecture might be ideal for smaller, less complex applications or for businesses with limited resources to manage and maintain their IT systems.

In contrast, a microservices architecture may be more appropriate for larger and more intricate applications that demand greater scalability and flexibility.

✏️If you want to learn API testing along with Architecture knowledge then checkout my session on API testing along with Postman,RestAssured,Jenkins,GIT: https://lnkd.in/g9r99y8k

🤝Arrange 1:1 call here for career guidance on How to get calls from MAANG & product Companies along with with tips to crack interview : https://lnkd.in/ddayTw

🔔For job updates and knowledge sharing on Automation and sdet do join my group: https://lnkd.in/gUUQeCha

📌YouTube channel: https://lnkd.in/gGUGmb-P

🚀 End-to-End Automation & SDET Training:

Boost your testing career with specialized Automation Testing & SDET workshops designed for product companies! Explore API, UI, Mobile, Jenkins, GIT, Docker, and the exciting world of Generative AI. Dive into a unique learning journey featuring personalized 1:1 guidance, interactive mock sessions, and collaborative pair programming, all guided by expert Sidharth Shukla . 🌟 Check out the demo now! Demo Session

  • Course-01:

API Automation + UI Automation + Mobile Automation + Docker + Jenkins + GIT + Generative AI for Testing + Resume Preparation/Coding Session/Doubt Sessions/Mock Interviews : https://topmate.io/sidharth_shukla/110008

  • Course-02:

API Automation + Jenkins + GIT + Resume Preparation/Coding Session/Doubt Sessions/Mock Interviews : https://topmate.io/sidharth_shukla/411810

  • Course-03:

API Automation + Jenkins + GIT + Generative AI for Testing + Resume Preparation/Coding Session/Doubt Sessions/Mock Interviews: https://topmate.io/sidharth_shukla/411812

  • Course-04:

API Automation + UI Automation + Mobile Automation + Docker + Jenkins + GIT + Resume Preparation/Coding Session/Doubt Sessions/Mock Interviews: https://topmate.io/sidharth_shukla/411813

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