Saturday 28 January 2023

Appium Interview Questions and Answers Set-03


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Appium Interview Questions and Answers

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GIT Interview Questions and Answer


Appium was developed by Dan Cuellar and Jason Huggins and today has about 15.2K stars and 5.7K Forks on GitHub. It has the highest market share compared to all the other mobile automation frameworks. Appium is one of the most popular mobile test automation tools, and mobile automation is becoming increasingly popular.

Appium is an open source automation tool for running scripts and testing native applications, mobile-web applications and hybrid applications on Android or iOS using a webdriver.

If you are new to Appium then check out the Video Tutorial for Appium Installation or refer to
 the post here on Install Appium with npm.

 Appium Interview Q&A SET - 01

How to Create an Android Emulator Device

Refer to this post for Appium interview questions and answers for freshers & Appium interview questions and answers for experienced.

How does a typical mobile testing framework function?

A standard mobile testing framework is divided into three segments, namely:

  • Application Package: This is the target mobile app that requires testing.
  • Test Case Runner: It is an instrumentation test-runner for the target app, containing an SDK tool (for building tests) and an API provider (for writing the program).
  • Test Package: There are two classes, known as Test Cases and Mock Objects. Test Case classes comprise test methods, whereas the Mock Objects include mock data and sample inputs for the test cases

Q - Which languages can Appium support?

Appium supports languages capable of supporting HTTP requests. These include Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, among others.

Q. Explain some of the ADB commands used for Mobile testing with Appium?

Ans: Check this POST_HERE on all ADB commands used in Mobile Testing with Appium

Q - What are some limitations of using Appium?

While Appium has many functionalities and advantages, there are some shortcomings to using this automated testing framework for mobile app testing. Here are some of them:

  • It is not possible to test Android versions lower than 4.2.
  • The switching action of an app from the web to native and vice versa is tricky to navigate with Appium.
  • You cannot run Appium Inspector on Microsoft Windows.

Q - What do you mean by an Appium Inspector?

Appium Inspector is similar to Selenium’s IDE record and Playback tools. While Selenium is an automation framework for web applications run on browsers, Appium is a suitable tool for apps that run on mobile devices.

Q - Differentiate between Simulators and Emulators.

Simulation is concerned with modelling the underlying state of the target. In an ideal case, you can observe all the original features in a simulation. On the other hand, emulation involves imitating the externally observable behaviour of the target. While the external state of the emulation matches the target, the same is not true for internal properties.

Simulators and emulators create room for running quick and easy tests inside flexible, software-defined environments without needing to set up a hardware device.

Q - How to Automate Gestures on Mobile? TouchAction Appium: Swipe using Touch Actions in Appium?

Appium supports many gestures as mentioned below, refer to the post HERE to understand how to use the gestures in your automation script,

  1. Tap on an element.
  2. Tap on x, y coordinates.
  3. Press an element for a particular duration.
  4. Press x, y coordinates for a particular duration.
  5. Drag(Swipe) one element to another element.
  6. Multitouch for an element.

Q - Explain Locators with examples.

One can identify the elements of a mobile application through some properties, some of which are standard in nature. The standard app properties are referred to as Locators, for example, ID, name, accessibilityID, className, XPATH, etc.

Q- What is the use of Appium doctor?

Click here for the steps to install Appium-Doctor and how to use it effectively with Appium.

Q - How does FindElement differ from FindElements?

FindElement checks the availability of a specific element in the application UI screen. FindElements can locate multiple elements.

Another difference between the two is that FindElement throws an exception upon not finding any element, but FindElements returns a 0 size array.

Q - Define implicit and explicit wait in Appium.

On certain occasions when there is a delay in loading elements on the application screen, Appium provides the options of Implicit and Explicit Wait, which add a delay for a specified time and for specific conditions, respectively.

Q- How to take a specific element screenshot with Appium?

Ans: Steps to take a specific element screenshot using Appium?

Q - What are the prerequisites for automation testing?

First and foremost, you have to segregate the test cases that you want to automate. Depending on your needs, you prepare the test data and write reusable functions that would be frequently used in your test cases. Then prepare the test scripts and apply loops and conditions as you go along.

Mobile Automation Testing Appium Interview Q&A Set-02

Some of the alternatives to Appium are :
  1. Espresso  

Espresso is a testing framework for Android apps that was created by Google. It is known for its fast and reliable testing capabilities. Espresso is a popular tool among Android developers and supports automation of native and hybrid apps.

  1. Calabash 

Calabash is an open-source mobile automation testing tool that supports Android and iOS platforms. It allows users to write tests in multiple programming languages, including Ruby and Cucumber. Calabash supports automation of native and hybrid apps.

  1. XCUITest 

XCUITest is a mobile automation testing tool that is part of Apple's Xcode development environment. XCUITest supports automation of iOS apps and allows users to write tests in Swift or Objective-C. It is known for its reliability and performance.

  1. Kobiton 

Kobiton is a cloud-based mobile testing platform that supports both Android and iOS platforms. It allows users to run automated tests on multiple devices simultaneously, making it a popular choice for teams with a large number of devices to test. Kobiton supports automation of native, hybrid, and web apps.

For any doubts or career guidance, reach out to me 



TOP 15 BDD - CUCUMBER Interview Q&A


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Learn (API-Microservice)Testing+ Selenium UI Automation-SDET with Self Paced Videos prepared by FAANG employees and LIVE Doubt Session 

SDET TRANING VIDEOS AVAILABLE with Live Doubt Session(course-1 below,API TRaining Videos With Class Notes and Coding Set) and (API+UI, both course-1 & 2 below) Check Training Page for Course Content or reach out @whatsapp +91-9619094122. 
This includes classnotes, 300+ interview questions, 3 projects, Java Coding question set for product companies along with career guidance from FAANG employees for Automation and SDET.

For more details whatsapp :


SeleniumWebdriver Automation Testing Interview Questions:

API Testing Interview Question Set:

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Kubernetes Interview Question Set

Docker Interview Question Set

Linux Interview question Set

Automation Testing/SDET Framework Design

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Coding Interview Question Set:

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Python Interview Question Set for QAE - SDET - SDE:

Tuesday 24 January 2023

How to Install Maven on Linux (Ubuntu) ? or Linux Instance or Dev-desktop


Top 15 Maven Interview Q&A


At first glance Maven can appear to be many things, but in a nutshell Maven is an attempt to apply patterns to a project's build infrastructure in order to promote comprehension and productivity by providing a clear path in the use of best practices. Maven is essentially a project management and comprehension tool and as such provides a way to help with managing:

  • Builds
  • Documentation
  • Reporting
  • Dependencies
  • SCMs
  • Releases
  • Distribution

How to integrate Maven pom.xml with Jenkins job?


Maven Setup with Linux

Maven can be set up on Linux in a few easy steps. Installing JDK is the first step because Maven requires it to function. We will learn how to install Maven in Ubuntu in this guide. The procedures are universal, therefore they will be successful on any other Linux machine.

Install JDK on Linux/Ubuntu

Typically, we install everything in Ubuntu using the apt package manager. However, it is missing the most recent JDK packages. Although OpenJDK versions 8 and 11 are the only ones that are currently available, Java 13 is currently in use. Therefore, we will set up the necessary environment variables and install JDK using binaries.

Step 1: Download the JDK Binaries

Go to the URL: 

Copy the download link for Linux/x64 build. 

Then use the below command to download and extract it.

$ wget GPL/openjdk-13.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf openjdk-13.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
$ mv jdk-13.0.1 /opt/

I have moved JDK to /opt, you can keep it anywhere in the file system.

Step 2: Setting JAVA_HOME and Path Environment Variables

Open .profile file from the home directory and add the following lines to it.

export PATH

You can relaunch the terminal or execute source .profile command to apply the configuration changes.

TIPS: If you don’t find the .profile then create a new file with the name as .profile

Step 3: Verify Java Installation

You can run a java -version command to verify the JDK installation.

$ java -version
openjdk version "13.0.1" 2019-10-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 13.0.1+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 13.0.1+9, mixed mode, sharing)

Installing Maven on Linux/Ubuntu

We will install Maven in a similar way that we have installed JDK in the Linux system.

Step 1: Download the Maven Binaries

Go to the URL:

Copy the link for the “Binary tar.gz archive” file.

Then run the following commands to download and untar it.

$ wget
$ tar -xvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz
$ mv apache-maven-3.6.3 /opt/

Step 2: Setting M2_HOME and Path Variables

Add the following lines to the user profile file (.profile).

export PATH

Relaunch the terminal or execute source .profile to apply the changes.

Step 3: Verify the Maven installation

Execute mvn -version command and it should produce the following output.

$ mvn -version

Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3
Java version: 13.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/jdk-13.0.1
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.4.225-139.416.amzn2int.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"


That’s all. Maven is successfully installed in your Linux system.

==> Maven dependencies with pom.xml for Automation Framework design? How to add selenium, testng,cucumber dependency in Maven?

Ans: Click Here For POM.xml


For any doubts or career guidance, reach out to me 


Once maven installation is done, do practice some Linux commands with the link below
Basic Linux Commands for Automation QA


TOP 15 BDD - CUCUMBER Interview Q&A


✍️AUTHORLinkedIn Profile


Learn (API-Microservice)Testing+ Selenium UI Automation-SDET with Self Paced Videos prepared by FAANG employees and LIVE Doubt Session 

SDET TRANING VIDEOS AVAILABLE with Live Doubt Session(course-1 below,API TRaining Videos With Class Notes and Coding Set) and (API+UI, both course-1 & 2 below) Check Training Page for Course Content or reach out @whatsapp +91-9619094122. 
This includes classnotes, 300+ interview questions, 3 projects, Java Coding question set for product companies along with career guidance from FAANG employees for Automation and SDET.

For more details whatsapp :


SeleniumWebdriver Automation Testing Interview Questions:

API Testing Interview Question Set:

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