Wednesday 3 April 2024

Jenkins Interview Q&A for Automation & SDET 2024


How to send email notification with groovy script in Jenkins pipeline?

Pipeline Script Fundamentals

💚 Jenkins Interview Q&A for Automation & SDET 💛

❓ 1. Describe how you would set up a Jenkins pipeline for test automation. Explain stages for building, testing, and deployment.

To set up a Jenkins pipeline for test automation, navigate to Jenkins & create a new pipeline job.
In the pipeline configuration, define stages such as 'Build', 'Test', & 'Deploy'.
In 'Build' stage, specify commands to compile the code and generate artifacts.
In 'Test' stage, execute test scripts & tools like Selenium or JUnit to run automated tests.
Finally, in the 'Deploy' stage, deploy the tested artifacts to the desired environment using tools like Maven or Docker.

❓ 2. How would you integrate Jenkins with a version control system like Git? Give an example of configuring Jenkins to automatically trigger a build on new commits.

To integrate Jenkins with Git, install the Git plugin in Jenkins and configure the repository URL.
In the Jenkins job configuration, set up a webhook or polling mechanism to automatically trigger builds on new commits.
For example, specify the Git repository URL in the Jenkins job configuration and enable the 'Poll SCM' option to trigger builds on new commits.

❓ 3. Demonstrate how you would create parameterized builds in Jenkins for test automation. For instance, configure a build to accept input for selecting specific test suites or environments.

In Jenkins, create a parameterized job for test automation by adding parameters like 'TestSuite' or 'Environment'.
In the job configuration, define input parameters using the 'This build is parameterized' option.
For instance, create a 'Choice parameter' for selecting the test suite and an 'String parameter' for specifying the environment.

❓ 4. Explain how to configure Jenkins to send email notifications after a build is complete. Give an example to setup email notifications for test automation builds.

To configure email notifications in Jenkins, navigate to the job configuration and select the 'Add post-build action' option.
Then, choose the 'Editable Email Notification' option and specify the recipients' email addresses, configure the email subject and content templates according to the build status and results.

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❓ 5. What is the frequency of Automation execution in your project ? Is it scheduled or manually triggered.

Frequency can be anything as per your project, once a day in the night time would be good. It should be Scheduled, rarely we see it manually triggered.

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