
Monday 10 February 2020

Top 18 Docker commands for Automation Tester/Devops/SDET/Test Lead?

Check post for MAVEN commands and Interview Question:
MAVEN Commands

Docker Commands:Interview Question

Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, standalone, and executable packages that contain everything needed to run an application, including code, libraries, and system tools.

There are several reasons why Docker is useful for software testing:

  1. Consistent Environments: Docker provides a way to create and run applications in a consistent environment, which means that you can test your application in the same environment as the one it will be deployed in.

  2. Isolation: Docker containers are isolated from each other and from the host system, which means that you can test your application without worrying about interfering with other applications or the host system.

  3. Reproducibility: Docker allows you to create reproducible environments, which means that you can easily recreate a specific environment to reproduce a bug or to test a new feature.

  4. Scalability: Docker makes it easy to scale your testing infrastructure up or down, depending on your needs. You can easily spin up new containers to test different parts of your application, or to test your application on different platforms.

  5. Cost savings: Docker allows you to test your application on a smaller infrastructure footprint than traditional virtualization, which can save costs on hardware, maintenance, and energy.

Overall, Docker makes it easy to test your application in a controlled, consistent, and reproducible environment, which can help you find and fix bugs faster and ensure that your application works as intended in production.

1. docker --version -> To check Docker Version.

2. docker pull <Image-Name> -> To download Docker Image from Docker Hub.Pull an image or a repository from a registry

3. docker ps -> To check how many Containers are Up and Running.

4. docker ps –a -> To check how many Containers are Available, Up and Running.

5. docker run -it -d <Image-Name> -> To Create Docker Container from Docker Image.

6. docker start <Container-Id> -> To Start Container.

7. docker restart <Container-Id> -> To Restart Container.

8. docker stop <Container-Id> -> To Stop Container when in Running.

9. docker rm <Container-Id> -> To Delete Docker Container.

10. What are the commands for Dockerfile?

Ans: Dockerfile is a very important section, check the link HERE for all commands related to Dockerfile.


GIT Interview Question Set:

10. docker rmi <Image-Id> -> To Delete Docker Image.

11. docker images -> To check for Available Docker Images in System.

12. docker exec –it <Container Id> bash -> To Get into Container and take Control on it.

13. exit -> To Come Out from Container to Docker.

14. docker kill <Container Id> -> To Stop Container Forcefully.

15. docker inspect <Container Id> -> It will give complete information about Container.

16. docker image prune –a -> It will delete images which doesn’t have even a Single Container.

17. docker run --rm <Image-Name> -> Create a docker container and auto remove on exit

18. How to setup docker with selenium grid for cross browser testing?

19. docker system prune -a  : it will delete all the images, containers and networks which are not used to be active anymore.

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Do remember that knowing Linux is one of the most important aspect to work as an SDET.


TOP 15 BDD - CUCUMBER Interview Q&A


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